For the last couple of days things have been starting to come together. Since purchasing this home, I’ve been trying to create a suitable apartment for a potential tenant. Part of the delays can be attributed to major and minor set backs. You know the bathroom roof collapsing, window Bob, the radiator sinking, and my surgery, just to name a few. But I partly felt that the apartment needed a lot of work, before accepting a tenant. I now feel that I can finally see the finish line.
Over the weekend, I started to move all of my tools and equipment down to the basement. I also completed painting the front hallway. I decided to paint the hallway the same color as the bedrooms, partly because it is a soft yellow that is soothing on the eyes. It projects a calming vision as if looking at an Aurora in the night Alaskan sky. Ok seriously, it was because I had extra paint that was a decent color. Here are some before and after pictures of the front hallway.


As you can see the attic stairs were painted to match the ceiling.
I also finished painting the window trim. I had to first sand the joint compound to be a smooth surface. This left the rooms dusty once again. Here are the pictures showing the final result.

For the bathroom, I installed a wash towel rack and a toilet rack. I kind of ran out of ideas of where to install the towel rack. So I’ll most likely find a place over the weekend for the towel rack after consulting some family members. The bathroom door was also installed, at which point I realized it needs a coat of paint. Luckily I have extra “Alaskan Sky” paint. I then fixed the floor transition from the dinning room to the bathroom.
Here is a picture of the toilet rack and wash towel rack….

Here are some pictures showing that damage floor where I put the new transition plate.


I started to pool all of the required administrative paper for rental properties together. I gathered the application, leasing agreements, pre-leasing inspection forms and a check list. The reason for creating a check list was to help me keep track of paperwork that needs to be completed. Anyway, after gathering the paperwork, I found a company that will perform credit and background checks for potential tenants. So with all of that stuff in place, I felt it was time to place an advertisement for the apartment.
So, here it is…

Like I said, things are really starting to come together. This weekend I plan on finish cleaning and complete some minor issues that still need to be done... Anyway, until next time...