Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It’s been awhile… More like a year…

It’s been about a year since I’ve written anything. I guess I should provide some updates to what has been going on in my life…

After the storm in July 2011, I had walked the town…


Then in August I had travelled to Den Helder Netherlands for work… Here are some of the things that I saw.



There was a moment one night, when I was working in the hotel. The room desk was situated in front of the window. As I was working on the computer, I kept seeing a flashes at my window. I had thought it was traffic passing by in front of my window. I kept typing away at my computer but the flashing kept popping up. I then realized that I was on the fourth floor of the hotel…I opened the window and saw….


Then we had the a snow storm in October 2011. Power was out for an entire week. While driving to work one morning, to shower at the office, I lost my brakes in my truck and almost rear ended another car. But thank god, I was able to turn the wheel in time to not hit the car…But here are a couple of photos from the snow storm…




The same week of the storm I was sent to Bologna, Italy for work.


November 19, 2011 

Rivera 318

Yea, I’ve been pretty busy…I hope to have more to come in the near future…


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