Last Wednesday, I had placed an order for 6 new replacement windows with my neighborhood super box hardware store. I ended up finding another damaged window. Anyway, I placed an order for new LoE2 double hung replacement windows. LoE2 is none as a Low emissivity glass that is an energy saving glass that reduces heat gain in the summer and keeps things warmer in the winter months. The new windows are expected to be delivered in next 3 to 4 weeks. The total price for all six replacement windows were $862.56. That's $143.76 per window…With the window on order I am able to continue working on the bathroom.
Now back to the bathroom, the next thing to install was the molding. I was initially going to use the original floor trim when I notice that they were pretty beat up. I was able to reuse the old window and door molding. So I sanded them down with a 100 grit sand paper and installed them. For the floor boards, I had purchased some 4 inch floor boards and then mitered the ends at a 45ยบ angle for the mating surfaces. I’ve done this before but it is still an art that I have not been able to truly master. The problem is that the measurements have to be pretty exact to get a clean interface. My patients run pretty thin when it comes to mitered surfaces.

The floor boards were cut and fitted prior to being permanently fastened to the wall. I used a pneumatic nail gun to fasten the floor boards. The process is quick and clean; certainly better then hitting the nails with a hammer. With the gun, it minimizes the possibility of giving the wall, floor boards and/or your thumb a bruise.
After installing the floor boards, wood putty was used to fill the cracks and nail holes. This process gets really messy, but after the putty dries, sand paper was used to remove the rough edges.

Here is the window after putting in the wood putty.

Here is the window after it was sanded and painted.

After painting the molding, I started to install the cabinet portion of the vanity. The hard part was getting the pipes to fit snug within the cabinet without cutting the entire bottom out. So I started with a piece of plywood and marked out where the two inlet water lines would be located at. I then traced out where the waste line would be and cut that out. Now that the template was created I was able to cut out the holes into the cabinet.

So what do you think of my work bench....

The inlets fits pretty well.. .

Hey, look at that it actually worked...
I initially wanted to clamp the new template to the vanity base and do the cutting. But the clamps that I owned were too small for the job… So I traced the three circles onto the cabinet base and then drilled the holes. The vanity base was made of a press board material that would gum up when heated. I had to chisel the material off the cutters after a couple of minutes of drilling.

WOW!!!! The plan actually worked…..The next step in the process is to secure the cabinet to the wall and then install the vanity… Until next time…
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