Since my last entry, I had a mental goal of taking the entire month of May off. Basically do absolute nothing around the house. Just relax and enjoy the free time with no pressure. Boy did that plan back fire, although it wasn’t as dreadful as you may think… Especially, with my history of things not going according to plan… Well, on May 17, I was about to leave the house to do some errands. When I had happen to look over towards the back of the house and notice this…

Yes a tree leaning on my neighbor’s fence as if it’s just hanging out... The tree had uprooted and was resting there. I was actually amazed but at the same time grateful that the tree did not crash through my neighbor’s fence. It would not have been pretty. So I immediately contact a local tree service company to do an emergency cut. While I was waiting for the lumber jacks, I happened to notice several birds resting on the tree… as if they were taunting me and trying to have the tree crash through the fence…Bastards!!!!
In less then 1 hour the tree was down and out.
The company did an awesome job. But because of the death of the tree, I started to evaluate the other trees on my property. I was able to identify two other trees that need to be removed. So in the next coming weeks (June 18) the two trees below will be removed. One tree is completely dead with carpenter ant's taking up residents. The other tree is completely over grown and is seriously too close to the house. This tree is about 90 feet above my house. Also you probably can't really see it in the pictures but it is lifting the driveway.

To be honest that was really the only true excitement for the month of May. However, I did install new lighting for the basement. I had realized that the basement can be a scary place. So to brighten things up I purchase a couple of shop lights. At the moment I am only able to install lights by the washing machine and dryer. My plan is to install more shop lights throughout the basement, but I need to install new outlets at the potential lighting areas. But that concludes the month of May projects…
Here are some pictures of some exciting things I’ve done within the month of May…
Here I am at my baby sisters wedding... I was in the wedding thus the cream yellow suit...
Here is a picture of my dad and baby sister, Evelyn, on her big day... 5/15/09
Here I am at Clearwater Beach in Florida, 5/23/09 enjoying a nice cold adult beverage...
Still in Clearwater Beach, look mom I'm in the deep end.... In the Gulf enjoying the warm water...
Now that the month of May is over, I guess it is time to get back into the swing of things… For several days, I’ve been thinking of what room to start with. So after many internal debates and thoughts, I had finally decided to start with the bathroom. I figured that since the vanity is already installed what more does the bathroom need to be completed.

I love the Duct tape work... It certianly has a nice touch...

Who ever put up the drywall tape used the solid tape instead of the fiberglass mesh tape. I prefer to use the mesh tape because of situations like this. Drywall tapes in general are used to create a smooth transition of surfaces when using the joint compound. The problem with the solid tape is that if not used properly, it will bubble up and peal off. Thus you result in a wall looking like above and below... It is extremely easy to mess this process up by not using enough joint compound… So that is why I prefer the fiberglass mesh tape. The joint compound easily flows through the fiberglass mesh and creates a bond between the wall and mesh. Most importantly it’s a lot easier to not make a mistake….
As you can see the bathroom certainly needs an update… Demolition and reconstruction has already begun (on June 6). But because of the amount of information that has already been written, I feel that I maybe overwhelming you… But I will be doing an updated sometime mid-week... I’m certainly excited to share the new plans and results of the bathroom that have been accomplished thus far… Anyway, until next time…
Here I am taking a picture with my dad, Nestor... I seriously don't know what I'm doing with my lips.
Now that the month of May is over, I guess it is time to get back into the swing of things… For several days, I’ve been thinking of what room to start with. So after many internal debates and thoughts, I had finally decided to start with the bathroom. I figured that since the vanity is already installed what more does the bathroom need to be completed.
The entire bathroom has some type of cracks and/or damage to the walls that need to be repaired.
Here is a picture of the floor. It's time to go!!!!
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