Sunday, July 11, 2010

You're walking a little funny...

Recently I’ve been placed on the Disabled list… To be honest I wish I could explain how I got this injury, but I don’t know how it happened… Possibly sneaking around the basement like Elmer Fudd… Let me explain, somehow I hurt my lower back. I’ve been walking crooked for the last couple of weeks. The pain began on Thursday (June 17th)… The pain really didn’t take hold until the following Monday. I had gone into work and after about two hours of sitting, I had to leave. The following day, I went to the doctors. I was given pain killers and also took a couple of x-rays. I went to work on Wednesday and by 12 pm I was in severe pain. The x-ray turned up negative. The doctor believes it's a hip injury…But I was required to go to physical therapy. Which I feel isn’t working too well…

I do not feel the pain while I’m lying down. I feel it when I walk and when I sit…. Thus for the last couple of weekends, I’ve been lying on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. So here I am, bored out of my mind… I just hope that my back feels better… It doesn’t look I’ll be meeting the August goal of moving out… However, we’ll see what happens once I heal…

So as you may notice, because of my boredom, I’ve revamped my webpage… Looks a little cleaner… Also, I’ve added a new button to the website The New Englander Bloggers. This website is a collaboration of different bloggers that are within the New England area. Please enjoy, until next time, happy building…

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